Documenta Catholica Omnia
Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam

20- De Ecclęsię Catholicę Patribus Doctoribusque
30- Padri Orientali della Chiesa
9999-9998- Patristica Greca - Schaff

                      - Inglese
      006,196Kb       Schaff, Philip -1- Vol 01- The Apostolic Fathers - EN.pdf
      005,447Kb       Schaff, Philip -1- Vol 02- Fathers of the Second Century - EN.pdf
      007,930Kb       Schaff, Philip -1- Vol 03- Latin Christianity Its Founder, Tertullian - EN.pdf
      024,993Kb       Schaff, Philip -1- Vol 04- Ante - Nicene Fathers - EN.pdf
      007,541Kb       Schaff, Philip -1- Vol 07- Fathers of the Third and Fourth Centuries - EN.pdf
      009,326Kb       Schaff, Philip -1- Vol 08- Fathers of the Third and Fourth Centuries - EN.pdf
      007,207Kb       Schaff, Philip -1- Vol 09- Recently Discovered Additions - EN.pdf
      004,826Kb       Schaff, Philip -2- Vol 01- St. Augustine's Life, Confessions, Letters - EN.pdf
      007,655Kb       Schaff, Philip -2- Vol 02- The City of God, Christian Doctrine - EN.pdf
      005,221Kb       Schaff, Philip -2- Vol 03- On the Holy Trinity, Doctrinal and Moral Treatises - EN.pdf
      008,011Kb       Schaff, Philip -2- Vol 04- The Anti - Manichaean and Anti - Donatist Writings - EN.pdf
      005,768Kb       Schaff, Philip -2- Vol 05- Anti - Pelagian Writings - EN.pdf
      005,519Kb       Schaff, Philip -2- Vol 06- Sermon on the Mount, Homilies on the Gospels - EN.pdf
      007,855Kb       Schaff, Philip -2- Vol 08- Expositions on the Psalms - EN.pdf
      003,545Kb       Schaff, Philip -2- Vol 09- On the Priesthood, Ascetic Treatises - EN.pdf
      004,652Kb       Schaff, Philip -2- Vol 10- Homilies on the Gospel of St. Matthew - EN.pdf
      004,311Kb       Schaff, Philip -2- Vol 12- Homilies on First and Second Corinthians - EN.pdf
      005,924Kb       Schaff, Philip -3- Vol 01- Eusebius Pamphilius - EN.pdf
      003,872Kb       Schaff, Philip -3- Vol 02- Socrates and Sozomenus Ecclesiastical Histories - EN.pdf
      004,595Kb       Schaff, Philip -3- Vol 03- Theodoret, Jerome, Gennadius, Rufinus - EN.pdf
      006,281Kb       Schaff, Philip -3- Vol 04- Athanasius - EN.pdf
      004,352Kb       Schaff, Philip -3- Vol 05- Gregory of Nyssa - EN.pdf
      005,390Kb       Schaff, Philip -3- Vol 06- Jerome - EN.pdf
      007,317Kb       Schaff, Philip -3- Vol 07- Cyril of Jerusalem, Gregory Nazianzen - EN.pdf
      005,743Kb       Schaff, Philip -3- Vol 08- Basil - EN.pdf
      003,376Kb       Schaff, Philip -3- Vol 09- Hilary of Poitiers, John of Damascus - EN.pdf
      004,937Kb       Schaff, Philip -3- Vol 10- Ambrose - EN.pdf
      005,108Kb       Schaff, Philip -3- Vol 11- Sulpitius Severus, Vincent of Lerins, John Cassian - EN.pdf
      005,882Kb       Schaff, Philip -3- Vol 12- Leo the Great, Gregory the Great - EN.pdf
      003,965Kb       Schaff, Philip -3- Vol 13- Gregory the Great II, Ephriam Syrus, Aphrahat - EN.pdf
      005,096Kb       Schaff, Philip -3- Vol 14- The Seven Ecumenical Councils - EN.pdf

31 Documents for 000,197.842 MB

Reditus in indicem

«Amici veri Ecclesiae Traditionalistae sunt» Divus Pius X Papa: «Notre Charge Apostolique»